The Renault #LiveLodgycal drive in Goa - one of its kind experience

Ever since I've started this blog, I had wished to participate in contests arranged via BlogAdda. But due to my busy schedule (at least I thought so), was never successfully able to write a contest post in time.

One fine evening at work, I was browsing through the internet, when I came across a contest whose winners were to fly to Goa for a fun-filled weekend. I checked the end time, and it was midnight. That means I had only a few hours left to write a post, and not just write any post, I had to make it stand out in order to win. By 8 in the evening, I was home. After dinner, I started writing at 9. And successfully submitted this post by 10. Honestly speaking, I wasn't expecting to win since I thought I wrote in a hurry, and couldn't do justice with the post. But hope, that never dies!

Few days later, the team at BlogAdda announced the results. And I was one of the winners. It was a moment of sheer joy. Joy for not just winning, or visiting Goa for that matter, it was the joy of getting to meet various bloggers across the country. It had to be a lifetime experience; time to make new friends. A series of emails and phone calls from the team at BlogAdda got me going. I was prepared to rock the weekend. They also sent across the following custom-made banner:

I'll be there driving Renault Lodgy in Goa

Just a couple of days before we had to fly, I received the names of my team members. Jobo, Piyush, Ayan and yours truly were a team. We called ourselves #TeamPenDrive, courtesy Piyush.

I met Piyush and Jobo at the Bangalore airport itself. Our first task was to take snap of the boarding pass:

At the Goa airport, buses were arranged to take us to our destination - the Leela Kempinski Hotel located in Cavelossim, Goa. We received a warm welcome by the staff there:

We were then handed our room keys. Piyush was my room mate. After the tiresome journey, all I was craving for was some tea. The awesome team at BlogAdda had already anticipated that! Evening tea and snacks were waiting for us. After having those delicious samosas and tea, we were headed to our rooms to relax.

In the evening, there was a small meet-and-greet arranged at The Hampi - the conference hall in the premises. There we got to know that Archana was our host for the event. After all the introductions were done, there was a small treasure hunt game. Guess what, our team, won it and topped the leaderboards. That was the end of the first logical day.

Next day, myself and Piyush got ready early and went to The Restaurant for breakfast. A mandatory selfie was clicked:

After we were all done eating, it was time to drive. The Renault Lodgy was waiting for us:

The amazing photography also made the above tweet the best tweet of the event. Well done Jobo :)

The drive began from the hotel premises. There were 10 teams with a total of 40 bloggers. Each team had a Renault Lodgy to drive. The idea was to drive all the way down to The Lalit Golf and Spa Resort located in Canacona, Goa. It was around 37 kms from our source. There were a lot of tasks which were to be done on the way. We clicked a lot of photos and also made a few videos with the car.

Watch our team's impromptu skits:

We had a delicious lunch at The Lalit, and then were on our way back. The return journey was intentionally made slow, to enjoy the scenic beauty Goa has to offer. :D

Prashanth, Santosh, Giridhar and yours truly spent some time on the beach in the evening. Was it productive? Decide yourself:

The evening again was fun-filled. Arun, Ayan and Neha shared their stories and their views on blogging. Also, Prateek hosted an informative session featuring Omkar, Rutavi, Aditi, Rekha and Madhumita. The best band of Goa was there to make us dance to their tune. The evening ended with cocktails and food. Oh, and not to forget, Neha sang a melodious song as well.

Next day was a lazy one. Got up late, had breakfast, and checked out of the rooms by noon. Rest of the time was spent strolling around the beautiful campus. The flight back to Bangalore was delayed by a couple of hours. The team of 12 bloggers from Bangalore had their lunch and left for the airport.

The trip might have ended, but its memories are still alive. They say Goa leaves a hangover effect. Believe me, it does! For the complete next week, I was mentally present in Goa, although physically I was at work.

I am thankful to Harish, Ankita, Sushma, Ankita (yes, BlogAdda has two with the same name) and Tridib for such an amazing time.

I made so many great friends on this trip.
Aditi I still need to know all those Bollywood masala stories. And hope you find some time to reply to my email :P
Murtaza keep writing those awesome reviews.
Rutavi thanks for that evening tip ;)
Madhumita I shall always click pictures for you ;)
Giri, Tiger, Santosh and Prashanth, when are we next planning a movie?
Pari thanks for the drive to and from the airport. Also thanks for those cute pics of Gauri. :D
Piyush nice moves you had there ;) Keep dancing!
Nirav and Prateek we shall keep meeting for other tech launches :D
Ragini I wish you don't miss your bag again :P But it was fun at the airport. And congrats for the Bolt :)
Senthil hope you reached aaram se ;)
Neha you sing so well. And you do love SRK and Hrithik a lot :P
Omkar keep enjoying the coffee like you did that morning :D
Nawabi Neha, hope you now remember that I am from Bangalore too :P
Tiger may you enjoy your delicious non-veg meals forever :D
Ashwini keep sending me links to your poems :)
Ayan I need more of those words of wisdom :)
Jobo how was the Audi you got to drive next?
Atul you were very good with that "happy and contemplative" photo series.

Until next time...

I was a part of the #LiveLodgycal Drive by in association with Renault India.


  1. Wonderful post, Ankit. This made me realize I did not click enough selfies, hehe. I am going to write my #LiveLodgcal blog post now and I am going to answer the email today too. Honest. See you soon at some event. Keep blogging!

    1. Thanks for your kind words Aditi :)
      Still waiting for your response though :P


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